Gimmie Dat Tug! The Out Release … It’s Just Dog Training

Over the years, I've written a lot about tugging. It has almost always been from the perspective of helping people and dogs embrace and enjoy the game. Lately though we have seen a shift... we used to seldom see questions about dogs who loved tugging [...]

2020-01-30T19:55:29-04:00August 8th, 2019|47 Comments

Vlog: Are You Ready for a Philosophical Flip in Your Dog Training?

Is there a dog training frustration you would like to completely change? Something that annoys you over and over but your dog never seems to "get it" and behave how you want?  I want you to consider with me what it would look like if [...]

2020-01-10T21:39:39-04:00July 5th, 2019|8 Comments

Behind The Scenes At Shedd…. Positive Dog Training Parallels

This past weekend I was in Chicago for business meetings... and happened to arrive a day early. What to do?  If you have an interest in animal training, you might immediately think of Shedd Aquarium when you hear "Chicago"... so that is where we went! [...]

2020-01-11T06:33:58-04:00June 6th, 2019|11 Comments

Positive Dog Training and the Difference in Shaping

Stoni & Shelby circa mid 1990's Last week we looked at luring vs shaping, so it's only fair that this week we are looking at shaping vs shaping. Recently in one of our Inner Circle coaching calls, we were discussing shaping, successive approximations, [...]

2020-02-12T20:43:12-04:00November 22nd, 2018|54 Comments

What’s a Reward for Your Dog? List of Reinforcers

Shelby with a beloved reward, a rock, at the 1998 USDAA GP Nationals. I've been blogging about dog training, dog behaviour, dog agility and dogs in general, with a few diversions, for many years now .... far more years than I probably thought [...]

2020-01-11T07:38:10-04:00October 11th, 2018|120 Comments

Why “Choice” is the Critical Key to a Great Dog

Many years ago I introduced a game that has changed the lives of many thousands of people and their dogs the world over. It’s the key building block to everything I teach in dog training. That game is ItsYerChoice (IYC). This is the game that [...]

2019-08-08T20:17:16-04:00June 3rd, 2018|45 Comments

Dog Training in Agility: What We Do For Love

One of my online students challenged me recently. She is a highly successful agility competitor in the United States. She has been a student on Handling360 since the beginning. She said to me last week "why do you not stress the dog training part of [...]

2020-01-11T19:37:31-04:00February 17th, 2016|35 Comments

Turning the Impossible, into the POSSIBLE

Do ever you look at your current agility life and believe there are things that are just impossible for you and your dog? That your thinking isn't being a "pessimist", rather you are just being a "realist". Do you believe there are limits on what you [...]

2018-04-13T11:50:27-04:00February 14th, 2016|26 Comments

Puppy Peaks Video Contest Voting – Day 1!

Well let me start off by saying, "WOW!"  Once again, the members of our wonderful community have managed to surprise me with your talent...not only as dog trainers, but as video makers as well!  Over the last two weeks, we have been running our 1st [...]

2013-08-26T18:46:54-04:00August 26th, 2013|20 Comments

Improve Your Dog Training By Playing Like A Dog

Today, I  feel like I am only barely scratching the surface on the topic of tugging :)). Why Does My Dog Need To Tug? You may be asking yourself why the heck is tugging so darned important anyway? Personally, I believe all dogs should learn [...]

2021-11-12T23:07:15-04:00April 10th, 2012|104 Comments
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