All About Dogs Sleeping in the Bedroom

I'm often asked about where my dogs sleep at night. The short answer is "anywhere they want" which might be a surprising response. Of course, it does not start that way. We can't bring a new puppy or rescue dog into our home and have them sleep anywhere they want as that is not safe and does not create confidence or security for our new family member! So, I thought I'd give the long answer by way of a blog.

2020-03-06T06:35:23-04:00March 5th, 2020|99 Comments

Built In Dog Crates For Home Decor

Well, I'll have to say that this is a blog post I was not planning on doing, but thanks to Pinterest, here we are! It's a look at the crates I have built into my home, so they are part of the furniture. It happens that in our Agility Nation membership program, I did a segment showing the built in dog crates and how they work, and a video clip is in this post for you.

2020-03-12T18:44:24-04:00February 27th, 2020|18 Comments

The Transfer of Value in Dog Training

I think we should collectively agree about something. Here it is; relationships are not actually the way they are portrayed in the movies. If you attempt to smack your significant other across the face during an argument, don’t count on it ending up in some [...]

2020-01-11T08:27:59-04:00February 28th, 2018|34 Comments

How to Travel with Pets (Featured on Trivago Podcast)

Have you got a holiday coming up and you’d like to take your four legged friend with you but you’re a bit nervous? I was recently interviewed by Joe and Emma from Trivago (one of the world’s largest travel companies) and we had a chat [...]

2020-02-12T21:03:34-04:00May 4th, 2017|15 Comments

Distraction Work in Dog Training: A Conversation Between Friends

Recallers 3.0 is “officially” over in that the lessons and webinars have all been delivered. However, the community is still wildly active inside. Many of the students are repeating the course all over again, as a group! Lynda O-H has been running a series of “Crate Games” challenges [...]

2019-04-01T18:20:47-04:00February 5th, 2012|76 Comments

Crate Games, it is not just for breakfast any more.

  Group shot of Crate Games graduates. I had small workshop here yesterday with 9, mostly adolescent dogs, and their handlers. It went quite well with a few "aah ha" moments and the odd "oh my" thrown in to balance things out.  We [...]

2020-01-10T20:54:34-04:00February 16th, 2009|30 Comments

Table Trading while Training (it’s a tongue-twister)

Okay so the video clip below is not my best geek work, but it gives you the idea of what I want to show. The whole routine just cracks me up. I am sure you guys will get a kick out if too.  So, here's [...]

2020-01-10T20:08:45-04:00December 3rd, 2008|25 Comments
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