Encore’s 17th Birthday and Why Every Day is a Celebration

On Sunday, February 7th, my dog Encore turned 17. We celebrated with cake! We’ve been celebrating every day for nine years as she has had many bonus birthdays. You see, in 2012, she suffered a traumatic brain injury, and we did not know if she [...]

2021-02-11T19:19:50-04:00February 11th, 2021|35 Comments

Encouraging News For Swagger and Border Collies with Cardiomyopathy

First Swagger and I would like to thank this amazing community. xoxo It is because of all of the feedback I received from readers of this blog and our Facebook page, that I have some encouraging news to report today. No, Swagger isn't miraculously cured... [...]

2020-01-11T08:29:48-04:00February 16th, 2018|54 Comments

News You Never Want To Hear About ANY Dog…

It is something no one should ever have to hear about their not yet 7-year-old dog. I froze and my mind went whirling, I suddenly found it difficult to get out all of the questions that were racing through my head.  As my Uber driver [...]

2020-01-11T08:31:16-04:00January 22nd, 2018|221 Comments

Could Your Dog Have An Agility Injury That’s Affecting His Performance?

The other day I took what started out as an “under the radar” road trip to Baltimore to see a specialist about what I believed to be an injury that my dog Swagger endured last summer. I say "appeared" to be because to most onlookers [...]

2020-01-11T09:06:00-04:00June 26th, 2017|62 Comments

Developing Young Agility Talent… Setting Goals & Having Fun!

This weekend I will be hosting something that I am pretty sure has never been done in the agility world before. It is a three-day seminar with 8 agility handlers (most of which have been extremely successful in agility with past dogs) and the entire [...]

2018-04-11T18:03:43-04:00March 9th, 2016|36 Comments

Dog Agility: Why Doing It “Just For Fun” May Be The Wrong Way

Today I wanted to make to time to join in the Dog Agility Blogger Action Day because the topic is FUN. How can I not take time out for THAT? As a professional in the sport of dog agility I recognize I am more obsessive [...]

2018-04-13T11:38:37-04:00March 2nd, 2016|27 Comments

Defining Moments: How Decisions In Life Guide Our Dog Training Path

Everyone has “their story.”  Think about your life. Our stories are a collection of defining moments one stacked on the next that have created the life we now enjoy. Who we married or didn't marry, what adventurous trip we decided to take or not take. A [...]

2020-01-11T19:46:56-04:00January 4th, 2016|33 Comments

Planning For Success With Your Dog Training

"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe." -Anatole France My puppy “Momentum” turned eight months old last week. This picture was taken during a live training session we did last week for our "Recallers" students...here [...]

2020-01-11T19:54:00-04:00November 1st, 2015|77 Comments

Have You Tried A “Puppy Adventure Trip?”

Socializing puppies should begin in the breeders home. Even before a puppy can hear or see, "puppy enrichment" can begin by focusing on the fully developed senses the puppy does have (those of touch and smell). For any of you who are members of my "Puppy Peaks" community I have a [...]

2018-08-29T04:59:35-04:00May 1st, 2015|61 Comments

The 8 Week Old Puppy: Transitioning From Unruly To Unbelievable

As you may or may not know, last week I made my "big decision." I publicly announced which of my 7 then seven week old puppies I was going to keep for my own.  Tomorrow night I will be hosting a "coaching call" for my "Puppy [...]

2020-01-11T20:14:04-04:00April 28th, 2015|183 Comments
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