Could I Be A Dog-Loving Mentor?

To some dog owners who participate in performance sports around the world, I am considered a dog training “mentor." Definition: men·tor  ˈmenˌtôr,-tər/ noun: mentor; plural noun: mentors 1. an experienced and trusted adviser. Being a mentor is an honour I take very seriously. Why would Susan Garrett [...]

2021-09-15T14:16:49-04:00January 3rd, 2014|184 Comments

Dog Training From A Junior Handler’s Perspective

When it comes to dog training, I recognize that everyone is in a different place in their journey.  Your needs may differ based on the challenges you face with your pet, your experience level, your goals for your dog (dog sports? obedience? Or just a [...]

2014-07-31T21:25:46-04:00November 21st, 2013|36 Comments

Happy 17th Birthday To a Very Special Red Border Collie

Today Buzz turns 17-years-old! I couldn't be happier. Not just because I have had my special boy for so many amazing years. But because Buzz isn't just a dog that is hanging on as a 17-year-old dog; he is a dog that is actively engaged [...]

2013-09-20T08:12:27-04:00September 20th, 2013|29 Comments

The Two Sides of Dog Training: The Right and the Wrong Way

Big decisions in life (which result in a dramatic turn either left or right) are made by weighing the pros and cons of either direction. Nobody confidently steps away from the direction they feel is the right way. So we have to assume each of [...]

2020-03-07T20:37:47-04:00September 5th, 2013|91 Comments

Puppy Peaks Video Contest Voting – Day 1!

Well let me start off by saying, "WOW!"  Once again, the members of our wonderful community have managed to surprise me with your talent...not only as dog trainers, but as video makers as well!  Over the last two weeks, we have been running our 1st [...]

2013-08-26T18:46:54-04:00August 26th, 2013|20 Comments

Cutting Your Dog’s Nails: How Important Is It Really?

Today I have a guest blogger by way of an impromptu video. Dr. Leslie Woodcock DVM, is a long time friend of mine (for more than 20 years). She has been our Team Canada veterinarian at most of our international events (WAO, IFCS, FCI) for [...]

2021-08-15T00:52:53-04:00August 19th, 2013|253 Comments

Life’s Little Detours: Making Outrageously Tasty Lemonade

According to my booking calendar (planned more than a year ago) I should be in Germany right now. I had made my decision at that time, that I would not be applying to Canada’s FCI team to travel to South Africa in 2013 [...]

2020-01-11T21:08:16-04:00July 22nd, 2013|71 Comments

What Does Internationalization in Dog Agility Really Mean?

Today is the first “Dog Agility Blog Event for 2013” and the topic myself and other dog agility bloggers are writing on is  “Internationalization.”  When I first saw the topic I thought to Attending my first ever World Championship as a spectator in Finland in [...]

2018-03-08T07:14:49-04:00March 6th, 2013|50 Comments
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