A Special Gift for You!

Lots of great lessons were discovered during my recent time out west. There is one lesson though, that I find myself repeating over and over again when I teach, and yet still I don't see the change in people's behaviour.  You know the old saying [...]

2009-04-08T03:35:30-04:00April 8th, 2009|60 Comments


The first "wow" of the day has to go out to Bob Bailey who made it back home yesterday, less than a week after his open heart surgery!  Bob is doing well, thank you to all for all of your prayers and positive thoughts. As [...]

2009-03-16T03:35:59-04:00March 16th, 2009|4 Comments

MAC Trial

Well another one in the books. It was cold and snowy here the first day I arrived in Minnesota, well dah. It is Minnesota and it is February! A really well run trial. The girls from Omaha were up and I have to thank Brittney [...]

2020-01-10T20:58:26-04:00February 22nd, 2009|11 Comments

Back to the future

When Feature was a puppy I used to shape new behaviours with her all the time. One week I challenged myself to come up with a different, unrelated behaviour to shape each day for a week.  That was fun. None of them were shaped to [...]

2009-02-18T06:52:44-04:00February 18th, 2009|10 Comments

Crate Games, it is not just for breakfast any more.

  Group shot of Crate Games graduates. I had small workshop here yesterday with 9, mostly adolescent dogs, and their handlers. It went quite well with a few "aah ha" moments and the odd "oh my" thrown in to balance things out.  We [...]

2020-01-10T20:54:34-04:00February 16th, 2009|29 Comments

Effective Transitions

Being sick sucks. I have been laid up for the last few days but today I think I have turned the corner (just in time, as I have a bunch of teaching coming up). This weekend there was a Chiropractic-Veterinary workshop at our place. That [...]

2020-01-10T20:53:30-04:00February 16th, 2009|8 Comments

A New Goal for All of Us to Aim For

The trial I was at on Friday was a small one. There were two standard runs and in the second one, Feature was the only 26" dogs (video included below).  However with this very small trial there where still 3 people (that I knew of) [...]

2020-01-10T20:50:05-04:00February 8th, 2009|10 Comments
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