Talking About Ruff Love (Tater and Chipmunks)

Our dogs are our best teachers, and I've been learning from Tater who jumped off a cliff chasing a chipmunk recently. Now, Tater's choice to chase could have ended his life, so we're back in Ruff Love with Mr Potato Salad. I took a video on one of walks this week to cover some misconceptions about the program I outline in my book.

2020-06-11T20:38:50-04:00May 28th, 2020|36 Comments

Easy Guide to Handling by the Number for Agility Success

It is not a coincidence that people who have been in agility for a long time have success dog after dog. They have figured out how to rehearse success from the ground up. I'm sharing my quick and easy guide to handling by the number so you can nail running a course the first time.

2020-05-28T03:37:20-04:00May 14th, 2020|12 Comments

The Top 10 Reasons Agility Dogs Drop Bars

A jump bar coming down is one of the most common things that will incur a fault on the agility field. If a dog is dropping bars, and it is not because of a physical challenge, then it is either a lack of education or an environmental challenge. We're looking at the top 10 reasons why a dog will knock a bar, and how you can determine when it is most likely happen so you can help your dog

2020-06-01T03:43:56-04:00May 7th, 2020|12 Comments

Dog Training Debate … ItsYerChoice vs Leave It

Sometimes people who are introduced to my ItsYerChoice game wonder what the difference is between educating our dogs they can make good choices, compared to using the traditional “leave it”. It’s such a common question that a couple of years ago I did a short video with the answer. I decided the video should be on my blog to be easily accessible to everyone who has the question.

2020-08-31T23:11:35-04:00April 9th, 2020|41 Comments

All About Dogs Sleeping in the Bedroom

I'm often asked about where my dogs sleep at night. The short answer is "anywhere they want" which might be a surprising response. Of course, it does not start that way. We can't bring a new puppy or rescue dog into our home and have them sleep anywhere they want as that is not safe and does not create confidence or security for our new family member! So, I thought I'd give the long answer by way of a blog.

2020-03-06T06:35:23-04:00March 5th, 2020|99 Comments

Built In Dog Crates For Home Decor

Well, I'll have to say that this is a blog post I was not planning on doing, but thanks to Pinterest, here we are! It's a look at the crates I have built into my home, so they are part of the furniture. It happens that in our Agility Nation membership program, I did a segment showing the built in dog crates and how they work, and a video clip is in this post for you.

2020-03-12T18:44:24-04:00February 27th, 2020|18 Comments

Forget It to Get It … Advanced IYC Cookie Jar Game

Learn a game to grow ItsYerChoice in daily life. It's especially useful if you find your dog staring at your pocket or the toy in your hand, or any "cookie" that you may have out. It will help make you aware of your responses to your dogs responses.

2021-05-23T02:01:41-04:00February 20th, 2020|18 Comments

Taking Back the Keys to the Cookie Jar!

We all love our dogs, therefore it is difficult not to indulge them occasionally. However, I have often said, "dogs are far better at shaping people, than people are at shaping dogs!" Learn a game to to change your dog's unwanted behaviour around the house, and replace frustration with fun! This game is going to make you aware of your responses, and how you can use what your dog finds reinforcing for the benefit of both of you.

2020-02-13T18:33:33-04:00February 13th, 2020|25 Comments

News You Never Want To Hear About ANY Dog…

It is something no one should ever have to hear about their not yet 7-year-old dog. I froze and my mind went whirling, I suddenly found it difficult to get out all of the questions that were racing through my head.  As my Uber driver [...]

2020-01-11T08:31:16-04:00January 22nd, 2018|221 Comments

Dog Agility: Why Doing It “Just For Fun” May Be The Wrong Way

Today I wanted to make to time to join in the Dog Agility Blogger Action Day because the topic is FUN. How can I not take time out for THAT? As a professional in the sport of dog agility I recognize I am more obsessive [...]

2018-04-13T11:38:37-04:00March 2nd, 2016|27 Comments
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