Recallers5.0 Video Contest Championship Round!

Today is the day…our Championship round of Recallers Videos! The best of the best are now competing to be in the Top THREE! Before we begin, I want to thank everyone for their votes and feedback….we all agree these videos were great. These top seven [...]

2020-02-12T21:11:57-04:00June 6th, 2014|42 Comments

Failing Your Way to Dog Training Success

I think history has proven that learning happens primarily through mistakes, that is what “experience” is all about.  Some of the world’s greatest successes have also been amongst the biggest failures. Thomas Edison, who most famous invention was the lightbulb said this when asked about [...]

2018-09-26T23:22:14-04:00November 18th, 2011|15 Comments

Brilliant Recall Course Student Videos Contest Day 3

In the homes stretch everyone! I really appreciate all of your help with the voting and of course the dialogue in the comments section has been great! So same routine as the last two days. Vote for your two favourite videos. Yesterday was tough, I [...]

2011-11-10T11:38:56-04:00March 19th, 2011|47 Comments

Brilliant Recall Course Student Videos Contest Day 2

Day two! Thank you everyone for voting yesterday what a great response!  The polls will stay open on all videos until this Sunday evening at midnight. Here you have a completly new group of videos to choose from. Once again please select your two favourites.For [...]

2018-02-28T23:27:39-04:00March 18th, 2011|16 Comments
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