Agility Trial Success Tip #2: Packing lists… have them!
I have several lists depending upon the trial I am heading to. We can create a master list here. In the comments below share your agility trial packing list.
“Before anything else, preparation is the key to success.”
~ Alexander Graham Bell
Today I am grateful for the technology that allows me to keep packing lists easily, and to all of you for sharing the necessities that are on your lists.
Visit all the tips: Tip 1, Tip 2, Tip 3, Tip 4, Tip 5, Tip 6, Tip 7, Tip 8, Tip 9, Tip 10
“Dog Sports” is a great little book by longtime friend Claire Koshar.It has some great lists to use for a starting point.
I love you Susan Garrett
I have baskets and bags that contain all the items I need for each type of event I am going to so I have all the small essentials I need when I take those with me. It makes it so much easier and the baskets and bags are beautiful as well.
I have had an agility checklist for years. After forgetting stuff a few times, it has been invaluable to ensure I have everything I need for a trial. I have it broken down by Set-up (pop-up, chairs, crates), Dog Stuff (treats, water, bowls, leashes) and My stuff (trial info, camcorder, snacks).
I’ve had a list of ‘things to take’ for years but don’t always consult it. I often joke with a fried that all we really need ‘is a dog’. And ‘a leash’. Yes, a dog and a leash. Everything else we can buy if we need to!
Yes, that’s true, but human and dog coats don’t come cheap, at a UK summer show we get all sorts of weather in one day, and can go from needing doggy cool coats and sun tan lotion/hats to needing efficient waterproofs in one day!! (Or even within the same hour, lol!!) Clothing is not available at most events and I have even been caught out expecting food to be available at one event but the catering wagon didn’t turn up… that will never happen again!! Now I always take something, even if it’s just a few trail bars 😀
List is divided into two columns. Dog and Human.
I have done this for years. We compete in a few performance events, not just agility, so I have a “Take List” for each type of performance event on my computer. It also lists items for summer or winter, so I don’t forget anything no matter what the weather.
I have been doing this for years–local trials, out of town trials, outdoor trials, etc. it is the ONLY way that I don’t forget something! Occasionally, I get a bit cocky and don’t check the list–yep, forgot the sheet for the hotel bed or something like that.