I hope all of you have had a great start to your new year. As you may have noticed I have been hibernating up here in Canada. Truthfully I haven’t been doing much except spending time with John and my dogs.
This is the first January in 13 years that John and I are not making the trip to Florida. Although it is sad not to see all of our Floridian friends, it is nice to have a slower pace for a change. I think we both needed it. I needed it to re-charge my batteries and John needed to get me to finally unpack boxes that have been stacked around this house since we moved in over a year ago.
All moved in now. I have been unpacking, cleaning and organizing. It is so nice for all of us to have a more orderly home. Patient John, waiting a year for it to happen:).
Last week John Hill took some pictures of my dogs. John is not only Lynda Orton-Hill’s husband, he is also a fantastic photographer. I personally think he should go pro:). So the idea was to get pic of the dogs running in the snow. But as you can see, last week it was warmer here than it was in Florida:).
Although we live in Canada we live in an area of Ontario they refer to as the “Banana belt” because of the milder winters we get. We are within an hour of the fruit growing areas of the Niagara region which has the longest growing season in Ontario.
Everyone lined up waiting to rip . . . except DeCaff . . . who is showing her BC bits trying to herd the gang.
No. . . really DeCaff, that won’t do either!
Everyone “loaded” I give their “break” cue.
And they’re off! I think the girls help to keep Buzzy young.
But it doesn’t take long before it is a race of only two.
But never fear, although we do get milder winters here than most of Ontario we do get winter as evident from this morning’s photo:).
I haven’t been completely idle here for the last week. I have 3 projects I will be rolling out for all of you over the next little while. Thanks for your patience with my recent disappearance:).
Let me take this opportunity to send out positive energy to all who read this to help make 2011 our most amazing and memorably year yet!
Today I a grateful for an organized house and a tolerant John (who after having me home for a full month may now be thinking it is time I decided to go somewhere soon:).
A little late in posting, but we definitely missed you guys this year! 🙁
Snap and I are on our second class in Obedience training using the Clicker Method. I was skeptical of this method, but now that I understand I can still use my voice, it’s really great. Denise, I personally feel it is very very wise to find a good positive Obedience Trainer and get your pup trained with the sit, down, stand, stay, heeling on both sides, etc. Agility will become so much easier. That’s my plan anyways. My Border Collie is now 8 months old. We started fly ball lessons this past fall and now that our winter is here, it’s a good time to obedience train. She went into this class knowing how to sit, lay down, heel on left side, come… the basics, now I want her to really absorb it.
Good luck! We’re both knew to this. I’ve many dogs in my life, including rough coat collies, but this is the first red/white border collie and she is fantastic. I just love her…
GREAT PHOTOS!!! John Hill takes wonderful pictures!
What beautiful and expressive photos! I enjoyed looking at them. Happy new year to you, too, and congratulations on getting the last of the boxes unpacked.
You would almost swear it was a beautiful fall day there rather than winter…until the last shot!
Best wishes for 2011. We remain focused on our foundation work and are looking forward to starting to add actual equipment to continue upon what we learned at camp in the fall.
So good to hear from you again and so pleased to know that you’re all well and happy…..sounds like we’re all ready
to rock again, happy new year to one and all.
I confess, I must have come up to your site every day since your last post. The e-course was really the best part of 2010. Hope the next 3 projects are growing in that direction too:)
Katarina, official stalker of this blog and Pie, e-cursed pup
Does anyone have any beginner tips for dog agility or obidience classes? I’m really new to this. THANKS
I’m going to take an obidience class with my little pooch, and we’re both completely new to this. I wondered if anyone had any beginner tips that could get me started and on the way. THANKS
I would recommend you check out the classes you plan to take with out your dog to make sure that you agree with the training philosophy that they will use. Also, look at the people training their dogs at this instructor’s class and get an idea of their attitudes and if you would fit in. How does the instructor react to the students and their problems? You and your dog should be comfortable in the environment to get them most out of class.
Take things slow and look to your dog to see how fast you should go. I learned the hard way that the relationship you have with your dog is more important than anything you learn in an agility or obedience class.
Even now before signing up for any dog training class, I go check out a class and the instructor (unless I know them already). If they do not let you watch one of their classes, to me that would be a bad sign and I would not take instruction from this person.
Good Luck, have fun, and listen to your dog.
Thanks Lisa. I’ll go out and watch some sessions. THANKS FOR THE HEAD START
I am so anxious to see what you have in store for us, I have gone through some withdrawl, LOL, but glad you have been having some nice down time
Yay, you’re back!!! I’ve missed your blogging 🙂
Love the photos, especially the snowy view.
Hi Susan,
I wish you a fantastic 2011 and I cant wait to hear about the new projects.
Please can you let me know if the recallers DVD’s have been sent to the out of country members? I am SOOO looking forward to getting it.
Lindsay King
Cape Town
South Africa
Hi Lindsay
I’m in Australia and I received my DVD a couple of days ago. Hopefully yours won’t be far away.
I’m in the UK and mine came a couple of days ago too 🙂
Good to hear from you, funny how online communication works….I was getting concerned about you (and we have only met three times in total, but I read your blog daily), because of the pause in blogging.
Anyway, even with only meeting you three times, I know the non-stop drive you have for life and I am proud of you for taking a minute to hibernate and rejuvenate, I am sure John has been happy to have you home….and, well if not, we can be sure your Buzzy and DeCaff have been relishing having the mama home! LOL
Can’t wait to hear about your projects, we have been reviewing seminar notes, the foundation binder, one jump stuff and the recallers course here in Michigan, the dogs are looking great and now I am oh so aware of my own need to get into better shape for them, they are kicking my but in training 😉
Here is to 2011!!!
Mary, Oliver & Tala (Dabner & Bobby too!)
LOL! I can so relate to that last sentence. After I’ve been home for a few weeks my hubby thinks it’s time I should leave again too.
The recallers DVD is fantastic. I’m looking forward to seeing what e-courses you have planned. Cheers Debbie
Glad you got some down time to relax!!
Im excited to hear about the projects!
Hey there! I’m going to take an obedience class with my little Shetland Sheepdog, Twinkie, and I wanted to know if you, or possibly anyone else had any ideas, tips, or pre-info to help me get started. We mailed a letter to a class/club and we’re probably going to take class there, but I’d love it if anyone could help me get started.
THANKS A BUNCH (whoever you are!)