I thought the title of this post sounded a bit naughty but I figured, at the very least, it would get your attention. Today I have a great surprise for everyone. If you are a newsletter subscriber, and have read my latest newsletter, you will know that I am planning on launching an e-course, likely next week.
I truly want to help people move forward with their dog training, but I have to admit, being away from home as much as I have lately, really does have its limitations, on so many levels. I can’t be everywhere at once, so I have to turn down far more teaching engagements then I accept.
That is why I wanted to give this a try.
What I have done for the last week is act as if all of you, from countries all over the world, have been sitting in my office as I presented mini courses each day to help you solve a problem or improve what you have got right now.
Can I really make a difference without you being right in front of me? For many of you that have written in over the past week, the answer apparently is “yes”.
It is not that I will never do another seminar away from home, but I can’t think of a better scenario; help a greater number of people improve their dog training skills and, at the same time, sleep in my own bed at night. To quote Zig Zigler (I love him) ““You can get everything you want in life if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”
More information on the e-course will follow next week but for now I have something special for you. I have a video clip that I am only making this available for the next week or so. This clip is 15 minutes long and it is content I am planning on using in a future DVD project . . . but you all can take a peak at it right now, as part of my commitment to this week-long-world-wide-seminar-experiment.
You have to sign in on the space provided in order to be able to watch the video. Those of you that sign in will be put on the “early bird list.” I will announce the opening of registrations to this list before any other, giving the “early bird” folk the first shot at filling the new e-course.
So click on this link and I will be there personally to tell you what to do next. Once you have watched the clip, please come back here to leave a comment, letting me know what you think!
Today I am grateful for fresh ideas.
What do you do with a dog that won’t even try to pull away from the person restraining her?
I want to try once again to retrain my older dog’s recall using your method. 🙂 But I know for sure that no matter how excited she is after a crazy game of tug (her n°1 favorite toy) or even with sheep in front of her (her BIG n°1 activity), she would never think about “fighting” the hands holding her, not even the slightest.
Great vid!
You might want to warn us of the READY!!!!!!!! in your video…my dogs all went INSANE when they heard you 🙂
I went home at lunch to RR practice (well just recall, no one home to do the restrain part). After the potty stop we did three recalls. I did these from a sit at 10 – 15 feet with a tug toy as a reward they were a blast. I ate lunch, played with my other dog, and brought a crate outside, then I decided to do a few more. I got fly and used cheese as the reward. The first recall was great but with only food the next one was not as exciting. I will work with the crate tonight. Cheese is not on the A list for this. It is the best thing inside for sits, downs, stands repeated practice. Fly is like a robot to commands with only cheese rewarded sometimes, not an exciting reward for this. Clearly shows the A list value.
Thanks for reminding me of your 1,2,3 game. LISTENING to you go over the steps one by one has motivated me! Love the idea of the e-course for that very reason.
P.S. The simple act of switching to A value food 2 days ago has already made a difference.
Excellent video and information. I can clearly see your sequence in training. My biggest issue is that I work alone, but I think I can manage to make it work. My dog is drivey and should love the training. Thanks.
I have a comment about the video. It was great but I need visuals for some of the weaning progressions. I got confused as I took notes about whether you lead out and if so how far, etc. When and how do you add distance from the beginning?
Well done, Susan! I love the format and hope you expand on this concept into other foundation courses!
This is going to be fun fun FUN! I’m lookn’ forward to the e-course!
I’m way too excited for the e-course, let’s start it now!!! 🙂
Hi Susan
This is fantastic. We, here in South Africa, would never get a chance to attend your training workshops, but you have just made it possible. What a brilliant idea. I am very excited. Thank you for sharing.
My daughter and I have just tried the restrained recall in our small back garden! Wow, Bob (our dog)was flying! This is such fun! I only did 5 repeats. Although I then had my daughter all disappointed as she was enjoying the game! So next time she’ll want to play too!
Since reading this blog I’ve been paying more attention (praise and treats) to Bob paying any attention to me and it’s really working! He’s walking so much better on the lead and I’m obviously becoming much more interesting to him! Thank you this is Fab!
great reminders for those of us who have become complacent (or think because we have older dogs we’re “done” training)! Good motivation to get those values up again!
Great tips on the video- and yes love to hear about training without a helper!
and now going out to get started on my training- with a crate 🙂
Great video!! Thanks.
I already do the 1-2-3 Ready Game with both my dogs since I don’t have anyone to hold them when I am at the park. I can’t wait to add these new twists. And hopefully convince some people to help me with some RRs as well.
Watched the video for a 2nd and 3rd time and took notes. Also have the problem of seldom enough hands available to do RR. My dog has already a solid sit-stay so I’ll try to do them alone. Have another question. For obedience compet my dog is required to sit in ground position after recall. So am using another cue for those recalls then everyday recall where he just needs to come close and if I demand sit. Do I need two different cues? I’d preferr not, because I want the same drive. Or do I add an extra word like “come foot”. If said rapidly this isn’t considered as double command. If you have any ideas…
Fantastic! Can’t wait for the e-course!
Awesome ideas in the video. I will definitely try some of them with my border terrier.
Thanks for the video. Quick question..if we don’t have someone to hold the dog to do this regularly can we use the crate? Or would it be best to find someone so there is the restraint effect from a person?
I have always had issues with recalls that were not performed formally in an obedience rings. My recalls there are awesome! Outside the ring … Well..!
It never ceases to amaze me how simple something seems once someone explains it so clearly step-by-step. I’m sure there are a lot of people out there like me that needs all the steps defined otherwise, when we hit a snag we go blank. Or worse yet, we back up and get stuck even worse!
I can’t wait to see the rest. Love your stuff!
Don’t see my previous post about problems with access, so I will try again. I filled in name and email addy, hit submit, got message saying I would receive email shortly and try again if nothing came. Got nothing. Tried again. Got message about problem with IP and domain busy. Waited. Tried several more times and got the same message.
Still no email
Tried again and got the message below. HELP! I really want to see this video
An Error Occurred
Our records indicate that you are already subscribed to this list, but have not yet verified your subscription. Until your subscription is verified, you will not receive any emails from this list. You can verify your subscription by following the instructions in the email that was already sent to you. If you no longer have an email with verification instructions, you will be able to resubscribe after 9:42 PM EDT on Thursday, July 8 (9 hours and 12 minutes from now). If you continue to have difficulty subscribing after that time, please contact [email protected] for assistance.
@caroline those of you that are not getting the link check your spam filters. So far there are 30 people that signed in but did not confirm their subscription. That means that the conformation is either in your spam filters or your server is not allowing it to come through (getting caught in the master filter). If that is the case ask your provide to allow emails. I think the address this subscription conformation comes from is smtp-confirmations-w-01.aweber.com but while you are at it ask them to allow emails from [email protected] as that is where more information will be coming from next.
thanks for answering. Have talked to SP and to profollow. No answers. Nothing in quarantine. very baffling. will try another address and wait 24 hours to try again
That means that the conformation is either in your spam filters or your server is not allowing it to come through (getting caught in the master filter). If that is the case ask your provide to allow emails. I think the address this subscription conformation comes from is smtp-confirmations-w-01.aweber.com but while you are at it ask them to allow emails from [email protected] as that is where more information will be coming from next.
Thanks, I now have a much clearer picture and can put it together better. I will be headed home at noon to have fun at lunch.
wooohooo.. very excited for the e-course!!!!!!!!!!!!
Perfect timing on this for me since I am starting a young rescue on recalls. I knew some of the information, but I didn’t know about the transition games. I am excited to get started!
I am looking forward to working with my Jack Russell who is 10 – maybe I can finally get his recall to be brilliant!
Great video! I took notes. : ) I’m also in the middle of nowhere and do most of my training alone with the dogs so will rewatch and work on Crate Games as well. Can’t wait to see more about the e-course. It’s hard for me to get to seminars anymore but finally have hi-speed at the farm!
Thank you for the great video! My youngest dog has such a poor recall, he’s really smell-oriented and won’t come if he gets a sniff of something interesting. I’ve tried to fix it couple of times already but now I’m very inspired to try again 🙂
Here’s my feedback on working alone: I’ve started immediately with crate games in place of restrainer person, and my dog and I had a great session.
So you don’t have the opposition reflex, but I think the bigger key is: keep surprising your dog with A-value rewards and make your reward fun last as long as possible!
With your crate there’s no excuse you can still do your homework in other places.
OMG! So. Awesome! Thankyouthankyouthankyou 🙂 Ok, here is my issue: been doing TONS of crate games but the dogs are all very sticky about their crates and I don’t want them to lose value for the crate by making the value of coming to me (or their person) higher than the value of the crate.
Thank you so much for this video.
The timing for it could not be better.
I just started competing with my 2 year old shelti .
He was doing great for a month than all the sudden decided not to come to me at the end of the run.
He comes close to me, stands at the arm’s length and when I try to reach for him to put his leash on he backs away.
I guess he created a new game for himself and he got me play it with him in order to catch him !
This is very frustrating.
We’ve stopped trialing. I do not want him to rehearse the behavior.
I went back to my notes from the puppy camp and foundation handling trying to figure out where I went wrong.
After watching your brilliant video I realized what we have to do now and I am ready to start !
I am looking forward to your e-course!
I am hoping with your help and inspiration we will be back on a course soon.
Susan, thank You for all that You do. You are the best.
Wonderful, as usual! Really looking forward to the e-courses!
Great! Exactly what I needed – back to basics 🙂
Love the e-course idea!
Had the opportunity to see you teaching a long time back at Clean run camp in 2003. Would love to have the opp to learn from you again, and in the comfort of my home – perfect! 🙂
Excellent! I love the format but would suggest a few more photos that really illustrate the points.
will you address the questions of what to do if your dog’s “A” valuse is tugging but they tug too hard for the handler to be able to play with them and what to do if the dog gets over-aroused and jumps and bites?
Way Cool! I am excited to participate in the e-course. Through your teaching of us, you are building our drive to take the course. If my dogs’ A reward is to retrieve, will I be able to use that as a reward? Do I need to transfer that drive to a tug first?
Wow! This is so exciting! I live in Kansas 🙂 I would LOVE to see you develop on line classes! On line classes can be a great learning tool. One of my favorite places is: http://www.bigpicturescrapbooking.com/
They have a great setup for classes. That would also probably work wonderfully for dog classes. With weekly video lessons, handouts, a place to for weekly assignments and a forum for students to disscuss things and for the teacher to answer questions. It is really awesome and I would LOVE to see this for dog training. (Maybe we could turn in a little video clip for our weekly assignment.) 🙂
Susan, think of all the people you could reach all from home! Maybe even some in Kansas! 🙂
Thanks for the motivation and the reminder to focus on the vitally important basics. Looking forward to the e-course!
Aaargh. Got the message below when trying to sign up. i guess this means this is very popular
An Error Occurred
Sorry, the account you tried to access is currently unavailable from your IP because of too many requests. If you are the owner of this account, please contact [email protected] for assistance. Please reference “Web Form Throttle: recallersvideo” in your support ticket.
Sounds like fun for me too! Only one problem, I don’t have anyone to hold the dog back. Will try waiting until dog is busy doing something else, swimming, smelling then call-run-tug.
I always love your videos, Susan, and this one was no exception!
This is one of those times, though, where it really sucks to live & train alone. I’ve known from day one that restrained recalls would help my girl a lot, but I have nobody to help me. I just don’t feel that starting out from a position of self-control gets a dog nearly as revved up as a true RR. 🙁
I have played some of these games but not in a long time. Guess I should have realized like agility skills if you want to keep it sharpe you have to practice. Thanks for the reminder. I look forward to the book!
What a fantastic idea. I am sure it will be great benefit to many of us.
I did it backwards. I signed up for access to the training video before I watched the teaser. At work, my computer’s blocked to You Tube and most streaming videos. But I know it’ll be great, so I don’t want to miss out. 😀
Fabulous!!! I thought I knew lots about restrained recalls, but your video has put it all together so completely and succintly – now to get to work on my recalls! The hardest part will be finding “dog restrainers”…….
Fantastic video Susan – I am really looking forward to the e-course! My young dog and I could really use it.
So what about those of us training alone – can we do “restrained recalls” with a kennel if the dog is familiar with Crate Games?
Yep – you did touch me through the screen
Would love an e – course would definately help me get back on track
Thank you for the wonderful video Susan. I really enjoyed it, I hope to watch it again. I will start on the restrained recalls tonight!
I am really glad you said to use a new recall word, hopefully that will be great groundwork to getting a more reliable recall with my Jack Russell Terrier who has pretty good recall, but some distractions are too much for him.
thanks again, looking forward to the e-course!
Ha ha! Ninja restrained recalls, LOL!! I remember Export’s first ninja RR – about 12 weeks old at a camp, he was held on one end of the building, I was on the other end, and as I called him you had Encore race across his path while Auntie Penny rolled tennis balls at him. I just about had a heart attack (you neglected to mention that I would be demo’ing a ninja RR, not just a regular RR!)
First repetition – epic fail, LOL!! Exie’s eyes popped out of his head and I believe he grabbed a tennis ball and tried to play with Encore. No reinforcement for that!
Second repetition – superstar! he bounced off of Encore on his way to me and ignored the balls. Good pup!!!!
Clearly it made a huge impact on me, because I remember it clearly even though it was over 4 years ago.
Oh, and when you said, “ready…..” on the video, both Ex and Matrix came running over… ready is the universal word for “the party starts NOW!”
I love the title of the post. It isn’t naughty. I like my dogs to be a little naughty. The video is spectacular as is the entire concept of an ecourse. Your legacy is to the entire spectrum of dog training of which agility is only a part. Keep it up!
Love the idea of an e-course. It is great for those of us who can not travel to learn with you and fits a full time working schedule. I am stoked too. You have me rushing to my computer each morning to see what is next. I am also excited to think how to work this into our 4-H program. For lots of our members, making the transition to working agility off lead is a real challenge. So not only are you helping me, you are making a difference to the 250+ kids I work with.
AWESOME – thanks Susan this is something I can so do both my boys and I really need this
Awesome, thank you Susan, really looking forward to the e-course:)