Worth Repeating

This has been around the internet a few times, it is awesome, you have have even seen it at Starbucks. Even if you have seen it, it is well worth more than one look.  Have a great weekend everyone.  http://www.youtube.com/user/PlayingForChange#play/user/C122061BDC373B4B Today I am so grateful [...]

2009-07-29T07:39:44-04:00July 31st, 2009|4 Comments

Playing for Change

This is an awesome clip that is a perfect pick-me-up for anyone (especially those that can't shake their flu bug). Please watch the entire clip it is awesome. Once you are done go to his youtube site www.youtube.com/playingforchange and watch the rest of them. Wow, [...]

2020-01-10T21:21:42-04:00May 2nd, 2009|6 Comments
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