First of all I must thank you all. John and I are completely overwhelmed by all of the amazing support that this community has shown for Encore over the past five days. Little by little Encore has been improving and I know all of your healing prayers had a lot to do with it. Last Friday when I first saw her at the Oakville Mississauga Emergency Clinic all that she could do was lift her head to try to kiss me when she recognized my voice. That lift of her head was more voluntary movement in Encore’s body than anyone had seen since she first collapsed with seizures the day before.
I will never forget the unbelievable feelings of relief and love I felt when I was finally able to lay down beside Encore and comfort her. Lynda took this picture with her phone between her own tears of joy. At that moment I knew we were ready to face whatever came, all I needed to know was where we were starting from. I had absolutely no thoughts of what Encore may have lost . . .it was all about what was possible from this point forward.
Saturday morning I got to see Miss E before her MRI and spinal tap. This time she squealed when she heard my voice and moved her front legs around as if trying to get up. The staff smiled as her squeals continued for several minutes. The MRI showed a lot of swelling on the left side of Encore’s brain and a small mass. We wouldn’t know more until the results of her spinal tap came back on Monday evening.
Her progress has been by leaps and bounds ever since. Saturday night the tail started wagging to go with the squeals and she ate her first bit of solid food. By Sunday morning Encore was brighter, more herself, now able to get up on her chest and trying to eat everything in sight as her meds increased her already ferocious appetite!
On Sunday evening were using a harness to help Encore to remember how to use her legs. It wasn’t an independent “walk” but it was her first few steps back to health!
Dr. Leslie came with my on Sunday evening and she shot this little video for Lynda (who had to go back to work and was constantly asking how Miss E was doing).
You can see from the video she clearly struggles with anything to the right of her body, I have been told this will improve, but may possibly have some residual long-term effects (but they don’t know Missy En:)).
Yesterday I was able I got to the clinic around 10 AM, they once again put Encore and I into a beautiful private visitation room and told me to stay “as long as I liked.” So I decided to stay the day! I brought my computer in and sat on the floor with Encore until it was time for her evening treatments (around 6:30). Just in that time alone, I was blown away at her improvements. We went for 3 “walks” and on the last one she actually used all 4 of her legs and managed to pee and poop on her own! I couldn’t believe how happy seeing my 8 year old dog poop made me! Celebrate the small steps baby!
Last night we got the results of Encore’ spinal tap. The good news is that there is no cancer. Yes, she has a mass and it the neurologist believes it will shrink but stay there for ever. It is likely a granuloma or necrosis. She has been diagnosed with “Encephalitis of unknown origin” or possibly a GME (Granulomatous meningoencephalitis). For now, she is being treated to get the swelling in her brain down, that is the important thing. But long term I personally will be looking at tick-borne diseases as the source of these problems. Encore has done a ton of traveling in her short life; had 8 trips back and forth to various countries around Europe spent an equivalent of months of time in various US southern and western states so my vet Dr. Kelly and I agree we need to be looking in a bigger geographical area as a possible source to Encore’s problems.
Today Encore is having a 12 hour treatment with a drug called Cytosar which is supposed to help reduce the swelling in her brain (along with the steroids she is on) by immunosuppression. This was the step that I was challenged to accept but decide to trust the consensus of Encore’s veterinarians and go forward with it.
But here is the best news of all. tonight at 10 PM Encore is being discharged! She will be spending tonight at home!
In preparation for Missy En coming home, I went out and bought this big overstuffed dog bed. It has supporting rolls around three sides so she doesn’t flop out the sides — yet is big enough for somebody to sit with her/treat her etc. Swagger and Feature have decided to keep the bed warm until Encore comes home later tonight:).
Today I would like to express my ongoing gratitude for all of you that have continued to stay by Encore side through all of this; for your positive thoughts and healing prayers. We have championed the first challenge in the battle and together will set our sights on a new journey of recovery. Thank you from the bottom of my heart you have helped bring my girlie home, there are no words that I can find to express how amazing this feels.
Best news this week. SO happy for such great improvement in your special girl.
So great to hear! Happy Christmas to you, John, Encore and the whole gang. Nothing but good things in 2013!!
Tap your heels three times and repeat “They is no place like home, there is no place like home, there is no place like home”
I’m thrilled for you Susan.
Having received a heart transplant, immunosupression is the thing that keeps me alive and healthy. It seems strange, but sometimes it is a GOOD thing! I hope it helps Encore get back on her paws. Peace and love — glad you are together for the holidays.
So very pleased to read so much positive news. Your relationship with all of your dogs is remarkable and I’m sure will prove a great help to Encore in the next few weeks and months. I have no doubt she will astonish all her vets!
we continue to think of her and send lots of positive vibes xxx
Sniff 🙂
What wonderful news. I bet she will squeal for joy when she gets home, and her recovery will be even faster. No doubt there will be setbacks, but we’ll all keep praying for her COMPLETE recovery! Blessings to you all!
She’s coming home!!!! Awesome news. So happy for your whole family – I can’t wait to see a photo of her at home with you all. Glad to hear of the steady progression of improvements – Missy En is a fighter and we all believe in her!
I am overwhelmed with relief and joy for you and your family Susan excellent news!!!!!! Let the recovery and full healing begin for missy En 🙂
So nice to hear of all the progressions Encore is making and so nice that she is coming home. Good luck with the next stage of her treatment, prayers and positive energy your way!
Tears of joy here too. This is the best news and I’m sure the best Christmas present ever. Praying Encore will continue to improve at a similar pace.
She is not out of the woods yet, but things certainly sound positive. I’m sure your time with her yesterday helped and getting to come home soon will help even more.
I am so happy for you & Encore, Susan. You love and devotion is nothing short of amazing. I am very grateful you have such a wonderful team of vets, friends & family helping you through this. God Bless you & John & the pups, and of course the beloved LOH <3
Awesomeness! Continued healing vibes and prayers for all of you…
We are rejoicing with you Susan,family and friends of Miss Encore ( including the 4-legged ones)!
God does answer our prayers and I pray that He will bring complete restoration to you’re baby girl!
That Encore will be better than even before this terrible ordeal!
Remember to stay in a place of being “thankful” and to also pray for those in Ct. who lost 20 little angels! We are devasted in our state as they bury their beautiful children and teachers.
So Encore be healed and give us an “Encore!” for the new year to come.
I hope you don’t mind me mentioning about the community of Newtown,Ct. Looking forward to more Christmas Miracles!
Reading Encore’s story brought back so many memories. My mini schnauzer had a similar episode at 3 years old. He is now 11 1/2 and laying under my desk as I type this.
At one point, after saying they thought he had GME, they said he would never walk again and that I would be lucky if he survived 30 days. A week after I took him home my boy gated into their office like the champion that he is and said “Look at me!” He went on to complete his CD and RE before retiring.
I am relaying this to encourage you and give you hope for Encore’s future. I believe that our love and care for our dogs can go a long ways towards helping them to overcome adversity.
It’s such a relief when they can finally come home. So happy for you, Encore and the family. God bless you all.
God Bless you and Encore and all involved. This is not the time to stop the prayer chain. KEEP IT GOING!! I’m so happy she is going home with da MAMA!!!!
So happy to hear that Missy En is on her way home where she belongs!
Blessings for Encore, may they conntinue with greatness.
I read this with tears in my eyes, so glad to see video of the strong & determined Missy Encore. Thank you for keeping updated with her progress and generously allowing us to love on your dogs from afar!
Hard to type through the tears, but I’m so glad she’s improved enough to be at home. Dogs are amazing creatures. If she hadn’t heard your voice when you came back . . . who knows what would have happened. I recently read that when a dog hears its owner’s voice, the same hormones are released as are released by someone in love. Perhaps those love hormones are doing the trick!
I am so happy Encore is coming home! crying as I’m reading this.
Thank you for sharing the short video with us 🙂 Very hopeful she ‘ll get better at home with her familly. Sending good vibes for full recovery.
This made me smile for sure:>) Big hugs to all and Cricket sends many propeller tail whirls!
Thank you for the updates on Encore. It does help when we are in prayer.
It still amazes me how amongst all this emotional termoil, how positive you reamin.
My lovely 4 year old (KC grade 6) was diagnosed with epilepsy this year. At first you wonder why, why this great agility dog, just coming into his prime. Then I read your tragedy. You again, hit me right on the spot. Truely inspiring lady. I thank God for you.
Tears of joy! Keep praying, keep believing and visualize her as healthy and strong <3
Aah! Prayers do work! Gives new meaning to “Home for Christmas”. Wonderful news.
So happy to hear this news!Keep fighting Encore!!
Such excellent news! Still sending healing thoughts and energy your way. I don’t know how that stuff works, only that it does. 🙂
Wonderful news for all!
Soooo happy to hear of Encore’s progress and return home this evening. I know she will keep improving!
So happy to hear that your girly is improving. Its moments like these that make us realize just how precious that life is and that its important to enjoy every moment with our dogs.
Although Encore may never be on the agility field again, you will still have her right beside you at home to snuggle with.
I am glad to read this update on Encore. Fabulous to see her improvement. I am sure you have an interesting road ahead of you. But step by step is good too. the Labs send their best to you all. Kiersten
Encore’s story has touched us all. She is the gift of Christmas. No place like home to get better 🙂 All the best to Encore. Hugs, kisses, holiday joy! M&R
So glad to here that she is coming home tonite! It will help so much to have her in back in familiar surroundings and with her family. Prayers and positive healing continue to come your way.
Thank God ,He loves His animals (: Your a wonderful mom !
I am so glad to hear you decided to use cytosar / cytosine / cytarabine for Encore. My Lilly who suffered vaccine-induced meningoencephalomyelitis in January 2012 received that 12 hours on / 12 hours off / 12 hours on of that drug BOTH times she has been hospitalized / in ICU. It helped her a LOT.
After her massive relapse in August, stemming from our 4th attempt to wean her off steroids, we added sub-q injections of cytarabine (4 injections over 2 days, every 3 weeks). It’s helping her SO much. She hasn’t had even a small setback since then. No major improvements, but no setbacks either. We’ve gotten her steroids down to .75 mg once a day, but she may need that and the cytarabine for the rest of her life. We probably won’t risk trying to remove the steroids entirely again.
I posted on your FB page, but Lilly (who also is 8 1/2 now) also gets dexamethasone (steroid), cyclosporine (immune mediator often used after organ transplants), potassium bromide (an anti-seizure med … we’re down from 3 meds for seizures to 1), and several other drugs for her tummy, sudden high blood pressure (she had developed massive nose bleeds because of high blood pressure when she first got sick).
We also give her natural anti-inflammatories … fish oil, ginger, tumeric, oatmeal.
We’re 11 months and more than $17,000 into our journey, with no end in sight, but after so many times in 2012 when it looked like she would NOT survive, I’m thrilled to have my silly girl at my side … even if she remains completely incontinent (both ways). That came on all of a sudden in June.
I understand where you are right now emotionally and otherwise. I wish you the very, very best.
So fantastic! May your heart continue to burst with joy as each step in her recovery unfolds for you both. Praying, always!
Thank you for sharing your wonderful news. I am co tinting to keep Encore and her family in my good thoughts and prayers.
I had to read this several times to just savor the improvements. Your love and faith are so evident. So glad for the good news and SO GLAD she gets to go home tonight. Can’t wait to see pictures of THAT! Prayers work and Encore has been lifted up by the thousands. You are one tough girlie, Encore, and you are so loved!
home sweet home……hugs to all of you..
I have tears of joy. I am so glad Encore will be home. The healing process will be faster with her being around her faqmily. Still sending positive vibes.
Thrilled, happy, relieved, hopeful!
*tears* of joy. So happy for you and Encore. They may still be road to travel but you two will do wonderful traveling this road together. Prayers, love and positive energy continue –
Home! Beautiful word!
Dog people are awesome! I’m so glad that everyone stretched their hearts and included Encore in their positive energy and prayers! Counting down the hours until I can officially say “Welcome Home Cori” 🙂
…there is still a week till Christmas – I think I know what Feature and Swagger want under the tree for them!
What great news! So glad to hear Encore is improving so much.
Again i’m crying while reading your good news! unbelieveable that she can come home tonight!!
All the best to Missy En!
so glad she is coming home – everything is always more right when they are home with us!
Susan your love and dedication to your dogs is just amazing, What wonderful news for Encore and her family.
Hugs to all