Well another IFCS World Championships has come and gone. This one a bit different in that it was right here in North America. Unfortunately for me, a week before the event, I threw my back out and was unsure if I would even be able to compete! I missed both days of our team practice and was walking using a cane the day before we left. Gratefully, John and I had planned (okay I planned and John agreed) that he would drive us the 26 hours to Texas so we could “be at home” in our RV while competing. That allowed me to lay flat on the couch for much of the drive. Still right up until the Grand Prix the day before I really didn’t know how I would be able to function. Luckily for me Feature is an amazing dog and was willing to make up for me. All I had to do was point her in the right direction and go along for the ride.
Here are the videos of our weekend.
Day one. We had to kick things off being the first dog on the line to start the event in individual Snooker! I told myself what a great advantage it was for me to be the first because then I could give myself all the time I needed to warm up my back. Normally in snooker you never know if 15 dogs before means 20 minutes or 5 minutes! It is all about mindset in this game people! You can’t see it from this angle but Feature saved my butt on an unbelievable weave entry in the closing sequence. LOVE 2x2s!!
Here on day two Feature picked up where she left off with an amazing 74 point Gamblers run. She had the most points of any dog in any height class even with me having to send her all the way back out to finish her mini gambles. Good girlie.
Day Three, I think we were both feeling a little stiff. You see, due to all of my work on my on-line projects this was our first trial in 33 days and only our 3rd agility trial since last November! Feature hit the double very hard on day two and I think she was a bit sore today as she had uncharacteristic bars down. Still I couldn’t be prouder of the effort she put in and our great results. I am so grateful for all of our caregivers that help keep Feature and I healthy to get to this level; our chiropractors Dr. Annette Langlois Dr. Leslie Woodcock. Features body expert Carol Smorch and my personal Trainer Russ Logoisse. But of course most of all, Johnnie B, who takes care of all of us!
Here are our day three runs;
Of course for me the greatest outcome of the entire weekend was the fact that my friend, student, Say Yes Instructor, and on-line “Ethel” to my “Lucy” also had an amazing weekend with her super star Sheltie “Favor.” Not only did this great team come in the top 4 of all the individual classes (winning a gold in Jumpers) but they too won the Individual all around World Championship. I wish I had her videos to share but maybe later in the week.
Today I am grateful for our team manager Tracy, her assistants Shona and Gay, my teammates and all of those crazy Canucks that made the trip south to cheer us on. Your support really means a lot to each of us. Hopefully we can get you all over to Europe to a World Championship there next!
Amazing runs! I have goose bumps. Congratulations!!
WOW, just WOW, INCREDIBLE! I love the way you handle, so smooth and precise! I thought the teeter was awesome, but could possibly see why the judge called it, but… You’re program is amazing!!!
I’m SOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! proud of You and Lyndas’ accomplishments. Keep up the good work…. Glad 2 B a part of the Say Yes Training Group. GO SISTAS!!!
Sorry, I’ve been out of the loop. I couldn’t be prouder of You and Lynda… It was “AWSOME…. Glad to be a party of such great friends, teachers, mentors… Keep up the good work…
Any luck on getting LOH’s videos up? I’d love to see more Team Canada videos!
Congratulations to you and Linda! I drove up from Houston to watch the 2 Sat afternoon classes “up close and personal”. It was worth it and it just made me want to jump out and get back to training/playing with my dogs! AWESOME!
I did want to pose a question. While watching the teams walk the courses, I saw you pace off the distance between one set of tightly spaced jumps on each course. As a rider, I know exactly how I would use that info competing on horseback. Do I try to get on a line that would allow me take the combination on a bounce or collect my horse enough to put a stride in bewtween? My question is – what decisions were you making based on the distance between the jumps?
You were the only one I noticed doing that, so it peaked my curiosity!
Thanks for everything you do to help us all have fun and be successful! Even though I can’t swing the contacts course this time, I am looking forward to other opportunities to learn from you in the future.
Everytime I see you run Feature & Encore, I get sooo caught up in the moment, grinning from ear to ear! All I can say is “WOW” and congratulations to an awesome team!
This is the first time I’ve seen Susan run a course and I was curious about her start lines. I’ve seen handlers start from a standing stay and I’ve always wondered if they felt it actually made a difference in their runs. Also, it looks like Susan almost ‘stacks’ Feature before she leads out. Is she just squaring her up or is there another purpose behind that?
Congratulations to you and Linda and team with the success you had at IFCS World Championships! The videos were awesome to watch and in spite of your back issues you surely were treking out there. What a wonderful team you are!
Wow. Thank goodness you explained all this because it’s so far out of my league, I wouldn’t understand it. The parts about “gold” and “individual all-around world champion” Holy cow!! I get that!! FANTASTIC. You and LOH are an inspiration. Your abilities and teamwork with your beautifully trained and joyful dogs gives us all a picture of our goals. Congrats to all involved.
OK, you may be a phenomenal handler but that is one talented and athletic animal running with you. I could not believe some of the jumping skills she displayed throughout those runs. Congrats on honing those accomplishments, they certainly display a team on top of their game.
All I can say is WOW
Unbelievable runs! Beautiful to watch. Makes me want to buy a BC and travel to Canada to train with Susan. Inspiring!
Susan! WOW!!
Amazing run!
I don’t do agility and don’t know much about it but I’m slowly knowing more about it trough you and the recallers group
Thank you for sharing with us, I really enjoy seing you run with feature. What a great team!
Can’t wait to see Lynda with Favor
Congrats 🙂
Miss Feature!….living proof that motherhood can make you stronger 🙂 Congrats on a great championship!
YAHOO and mega congratulations to both of you. But it doesn’t surprise me at all. Your courses say it all!
You guys rock! Just wish I could afford your latest course.. even though I no longer run agility! I LOVE learning with you.
I loved watching you and Lynda run (okay, only per livestream, thanks to modern technology)and I loved seeing you on that podium again and again!!! Awesome !!
You are my heros !!
Day 1 – Standard…how on earth did you make that front out of the chute!!?? Excellent weekend for Canada! Congrats again to you and Feature!
Amazing and inspiring!!!!!!! Congrats to both you and Lynda!
Can’t stop smiling!!!
Nice Job! Feature is a special girl:)))))
Many, many congratulations Susan and Lynda and so well done Feature and Favor – over the moon for you all.
So pleased for you and Lynda – awesome work 🙂 you guys are doing fantastically especially considering how busy you both are 🙂 keep it up xxx
Woo-Hoo – way to go Say Yes! You are all rock stars. 🙂
I am still waiting for Lynda to write a book about her journey to such amazing success. She is an inspiration to all of us just starting on the Say Yes path.
Just wanted to add another congratulations to you and Lynda and all your dogs. What an awesome weekend you had!
Congratulations!! 🙂
Can anyone explain to me the difference between the two (or are there actually more) agility world championships???
Emily, there are two different organisations – FCI and IFCS. They each run a World Championships. IFCS is the one Lynda and Susan have just competed in.
you both did a great job….enjoy your success…..Lucy, Ethel and the dogs
Well done, Susan and Feature!
Thanks for sharing! You and Feature were awesome!!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and your videos! AMAZING runs!It’s like you gave Feature the course maps and asked her to study them while ‘da mama’ lies down for a bit.
When the two of you are on fire like that, it is really great to watch.
Very proud to have you and Feature representing Canada.
Congratulations! You did so well in spite of your back and that was no small feat! Thanks for sharing the news and videos, you’re an inspiration!
Bummer see-saw call in Team Standard, but was amused by the performance in Team Relay (under same judge :)) Splendid championship for you and Lynda. Hooray!!
I saw that seesaw on the live streaming and thought it looked good, but on this video it is hard to see why it was faulted, seemed very clear to me. I was wondering if it was judged differently!
How utterly awesome you both are. TR
Poor Feautre, it sounded like she hit that double quite hard and I think you handled her beautifully, sore back and all. So many beautiful runs by you and Lynda and both Favor and Feature run so brilliantly and with so much drive.
Love hearing the reaction from the crowd when Feature nails her contacts and weaves 🙂