Moving into our last day of Critical Elements camp, I am a little sad to see it all end. It is so much fun being a student and we have such a great group of students — we are all accomplishing a ton.

Of the four goals I laid out for Swagger and I before camp I would say we smashed three of them and are having progress with the last;

1)Swagger did find joy in all we have done at camp (and I expect today to be no different).

2) He was able to recall off of every dog and puppy we tried.

3) His value for staying at my side in both a walk and a jog is now amazing. I am so thrilled with this because it has seem to take a while for him to catch on!

4) And we are making progress on dampening his desire to bark in his crate when he can’t see me. It is however a work in progress that is for certain.

I think one of the things I like best about being a student (besides the obvious . . . getting to train my dog) is the fact I get great ideas about teaching. This time around was no different. We changed up the format a bit at camp and I love how it turned out. More time for experimenting and seeing real progress.

We added a “one minute” evaluation slot to every work station and then another couple of minutes after it to plan and re-structure if necessary, your work session. From my point of view it worked great! Will see what everyone else thought about it.

On another front, if you are a newsletter subscriber you will be getting a newsletter early Tuesday morning that will give you the first chance to sign up for my live webinar I will be presenting this Thursday. This may be the first of it’s kind, a live stream webinar, with a well know seminar presenter, that will all be complimentary for participants.

I will make this opportunity available to others via my blog and facebook later in the week, but will be giving my newsletter subscribers the first opportunity to fill the seats.

Doing this webinar is really just kind of like what I do here on the blog;  sharing my dog training advise with all of you. The difference on Thursday is that I  will be speaking live (with a slide presentation) plus I will be answer questions at the end of it all.

Should be fun. Of course we have only so much bandwidth so unless the “geeks in the know” can come up with something before Thursday, we plan on limiting participants to 1000. Soooo when you get your invitation please don’t sit on it, accept and sign up!

By the way, if you are not one of my newsletter subscribers you can sign up right here on the blog (box on the right hand side). More info about the webinar to come later in the week.

Today I am grateful that Swagger and I get another day of Critical Elements camp!