Fun is an essential ingredient to training success for you and your dog, and the secret sauce to maintaining enthusiasm and engagement in a training session is to take a break. We call these “balance breaks” and also use “reset cookies”.
It might seem counter-intuitive to break your training session at first, but jump in and give it a go. After all, a “secret sauce” can take an ordinary meal to something you take photos of for Instagram (not that my Instagram has food photos, but I do love to share dog photos and quick videos). Mindful breaks will increase joy and success for both you and your dog.
You might already be familiar with the use of balance breaks, but there have been some questions since I shared my shaping comparison video about what exactly the breaks and reset cookies are, so I thought I’d do a blog for everyone who might not be sure but wants to do better in their training.
Why We Take A Break In A Training Session
The astute use of “Balance Breaks” can speed up learning during training exponentially. The break allows your dog to reset from the intense thinking during training and helps you to maintain great arousal and engagement with your dog during the session.
The Two Keys To A Good “Balance Break”
Key 1 – ACTION
The key to GOOD “Balance Breaks” is ACTION, with tugging or running / playing with your dog. Action will get your dog’s heart rate up and help maintain their engagement with you.
Key 2 – Take a “Balance Break” BEFORE you think you need one!
The Balance Break has to be genuine. Maintain the flow and maintain the engagement with your dog.
Tugging can be the easiest game to use as a ‘break’ but running with your dog can work too. The break should involve movement, and it needs to be in a fun, engaging way. If it’s not tugging, it could be running in a circle with your dog and then you give him a cookie. Have your dog put his paws up on you, take off running for a game of “chase me!”. You get the idea, the ‘break’ should never be stationary and also never be too long.
You can do the same with your transitions, as ACTION makes for a great transition into and out of work. From the minute you start a training session with your dog aim for fun and engagement. Make sure you and your dog have “D” (Desire) from my D.A.S.H. acronym.

Balance Breaks allow your dog to reset and allow you to maintain arousal and connection. Tugging can be the easiest game to use as a ‘break’ but running with your dog can work too.
So, What’s A Reset Cookie Then?
A “reset cookie” is also a break from the intense thinking. You can see me use this with Encore in the video on my shaping blog post at the 5:58 minute mark … note that the use of a reset cookie gave me time to remove the cover from the coolers but not disengage with my dog. You can also see balance breaks with tugging in the video.
The important thing about reset cookies is that you MUST have a good foundation of ItsYerChoice with your dog, because you are going to give him permission to chase down a cookie you throw, and then he will return to the game. You don’t want him just leaving work to get cookies as his own decision. Remember that Work = Play = Work and if your dog leaves you to grab a cookie today, it could be him taking his favourite obstacles on an agility course tomorrow (ahh.. bye, I’ll just go to the tunnel), or leaving you to chase a bunny which might have life-threatening consequences if you are near a busy road.
Notice that in the video with Encore the release cue I give her to chase down the cookie is the word “search”. The “search” release cue will assist your dog to know he can ‘end’ the work, chase a cookie and come right back into the work. If your dog does not know the ‘search’ cue, introduce it by saying “search” and then tossing the cookie. It is an easy way to reset and the permission to search for a thrown cookie maintains the clarity of ItsYerChoice for your dog. Clear is kind.
If you have played IYC and are wondering what the difference between “search” and “get it” is, I use “search” for my dog to find food when he doesn’t necessarily know where that food is. I use “get it” mostly when the dog is to retrieve a toy or a piece of food he is staring at.
Make Your Own Secret Sauce
Next time you are training, add in balance breaks. Count how many I used with Encore in that short training session in the video I’ve linked above. Plan to include breaks in your training and always take one before you think you need it to keep the fun and enthusiasm up for both your dog and you. There’s more tips on setting up great training sessions in my post on “6 Keys to Shaping Behaviour“.
Let me know in the comments what you use for the ACTION of a balance break.
Today I’m grateful to you for being here and wanting to know more about all things dog training! If you would like to be notified when I have new posts, you can sign up for my newsletter here on my blog at the top right on widescreen or just below the comments on this post on a smaller screen.
Update: I’ve now got a podcast episode all about balance breaks, plus an extra video on YouTube with a demo for you.
Thanks for this on balanced breaks. My problem is I think I got to really be more strict and go back to it’s your choice. I’ve become lax and he will just walk away and get a drink or get the ball but stay away and chew. Problem is I don’t want to cancel the whole training session after I star ( like u would do in it’s your choice ) as it takes a lot of time to set up.
Any ideas how I can show him he’s made a choice but not the one I wanted without just packing up and saying- game over ?
We use flirt pole/hose with stream of water similar to flirt pole and it stops and starts/baby pool filled with water for some movement fun during breaks.
Each time I try to take a balance break with my dogs by playing with a toy or running they don,t appear very interested. How do I create interest and excitement for the in this?
Great training ideas. Can’t wait to try.
Please add me to your email list.
Thank You Very Much
Hi Deb,
I just responded to Edie and since you echo a similar problem I am coping my post to Edie to you too . . . .
Just thinking. What does your trainer say? What solutions has your trainer offered?
Is your dog able to perform said tasks in a familiar, non-distracting environment? It seems that the environment is way too distracting in relation to your dog’s current skill set. As for distractions, I think Susan has said in a video, that she “doesn’t go there” until she knows she can succeed. It is something you have to build on, starting with no distractions and building the difficulty little by little as you and your dog find success.
Here is a blog of Susan’s that talks about tugging duration. It’s wonderful and instructive. I hope it helps you.
Good luck!
I’ve been playing with my pup following iyc and she’s getting so much better. So we will add this into our day thank you 😊
Tugging and running
you know what i pick up every time I see a photo of Susan and her dog/s ? It is how much pleasure SHE get from her dogs. I hope my dog know that I love her just as much as Susan loves hers!!
I’m trying to use these suggestions. When I go to my training class, I spend 10-15 minutes throwing a ball. When my dog comes back and drops the ball I click and treat. After we do this the class is starting so I give him a little drink and put him in a crate. We get direction from out instructor and then the three 20″ dogs run and then we do. While the three dogs run I am usually at my dog’s crate but watching the dog that’s running. When it’s our turn to run my dog will often jump over the fence around the course and go see a dog or person. He is a 2-year-old Lab and I am not certain how to fix this problem. When I am at his crate should I play tug with him (he only wants to tug for a small amount of time) or play IYC with food or anything that keeps his attention on me while we wait? It’s helpful to me to see the other dogs run and hear the corrections the trainer gives. I don’t know what to do.
I have a similar issue. I try to engage Bails(my border collie) with tugging while we wait and take her outside for breaks but If a dog is charging around the course or just zooming around that is her #1 distraction and is very hard to compete with. I really fill like this is a problem not just for Edie and me but for many in my agility class. I try hard to make me more interesting than the other dogs but sometimes it works and sometimes she gets pulled away in a desire to chase the other dogs ( not in an aggressive way) but still a problem. I echo Edie….I don’t know what to do. She is also not very food driven.
Just thinking. What does your trainer say? What solutions has your trainer offered?
Is your dog able to perform said tasks in a familiar, non-distracting environment? It seems that the environment is way too distracting in relation to your dog’s current skill set. As for distractions, I think Susan has said in a video, that she “doesn’t go there” until she knows she can succeed. It is something you have to build on, starting with no distractions and building the difficulty little by little as you and your dog find success.
Here is a blog of Susan’s that talks about tugging duration. It’s wonderful and instructive. I hope it helps you.
Good luck!
Love it. Thank you.
Love balance breaks! I like to use a retrieve object…I’ll randomly throw it and run in the other direction. My girl loves to snatch up the toy and chase me to give it to me. And we move right back into work.
Love this! Going to do it for sure with my new pup ❤️
One quick question, when using tugging as your reward for training, could the balance break be more tugging? Or would the balance break be more effective as a game of chase me or PB&J?
Hi Katie, you could use a quick game of tug as a balance break.
Okay I tried this by breaking with running with my dog across the barn straight after I read it. You are right, it worked. You know your stuff, Susan. Will be following you.
I laughed when I read, “You know your stuff, Susan.” Yes, Susan knows her stuff!!!! Understatement!